Computer Science Department
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Download SLICE

Download the latest stable release of SLICE (r2497), July 11, 2012

To obtain SLICE, click here to download a zip file containing the folder Slice. Extract it in C:\Program Files; use "extract here," which will extract the one folder in the archive, called Slice. The file Slice.exe is the executable.

The executable is generally self-contained, except for two things: (1) You must have the .NET framework installed; version 2.0 (or anything later) is fine. (2) For importing PDF or PowerPoint documents, see below.

To test the installation, start the Slice executable by double-clicking. This will bring up a dialog in which you need to select a configuration file; choose Lecturer/Code/lecturer.xml; this is the basic, single-user lecture app.

You will probably want to create a desktop shortcut to run Slice. Right-click on the Slice executable and select "Create shortcut". Then right-click the shortcut and select "Properties". Edit the Target field by adding at the end: a space, and then Lecturer/Code/lecturer.xml.

(All other applications run on multiple machines, so the command line needs to include more information, such as IP addresses. Begin by installing Slice on each machine. See the documentation for the desired app for configuration instructions.)

Write to us if you run into problems, using the Contact button in the left menu.

PDF and Powerpoint

The main problems we have experienced with installing Slice are in importing PDF and Powerpoint (PPT) files. Test this in the lecture application by using the import button () to load a PDF and a PPT document. (Note that this is not a fast operation; choose documents of modest size and allow up to one minute for loading.)

Most likely, you will not be able to load a PDF document; you may be able to import a PPT presentation, depending. These paragraphs should solve these problems if you experience them:

PDF: We currently support a single version of Ghostview for importing PDFs, namely AFPL Ghostview 8.54. Run the installer, executable gs854w32.exe in the Slice folder, to install this version of Ghostview.

PPT: You should be able to import Powerpoint documents - as images only - if you have Powerpoint installed on your machine. We have tested this on Powerpoint 2003 and 2007; we believe it should work with Powerpoint XP as well. Please write to us if you experience problems. (If your computer does not have Powerpoint, an attempt to import Powerpoint slides will result in an error message, but it is not fatal; just dismiss it and continue; in the future, we will handle this situation more gracefully.)

    Last updated on Fri May 29 14:16:57 CDT 2009 .