Lecture application

The lecture application provides basic presentation capabilities, plus the ability to monitor and interact with students. (If you would like to have this app customized for your needs, contact us and we'll try our best to help.)

This app can be used in several modes:

User's guide

In this app, there are two interfaces, the lecturer's and the students'. They are similar, but the students have fewer buttons - they can't, for example, load presentations. Furthermore, the lecturer's display changes slightly when it is in "dashboard mode" - that is, monitoring students. We discuss the two states of the lecturer's app; the buttons on the student app do the same things.

Here is the non-dashboard lecturer's interface:

The buttons on the left are mainly obvious: Go to pen mode, erase mode, laser pointer mode, and highlight mode, and change colors. is where you start, but you can change to

Here are descriptions of the buttons on the bottom toolbar:

Load a previously-saved Slice document; you will probably not use this button; instead, you will save presentations as pdfs.
Save this presentation as a Slice document. Again, you are more likely to want to save your document as a PDF.
Terminate this presentation.
This button switches to dashboard mode; see below. (The icon before and the two after have no purpose when not in dashboard mode.)
and Go to the previous or next page.
Add a new, blank slide after the current one.
Add a copy of the current slide after it.
Load a PDF document.

After entering dashboard mode (by clicking the "heads" icon), you will see the page of one of the students; it will be the same page you were on before clicking the button. You will be able to tell if the student has written anything on the slide. The four dashboard icons become important. Here is what the screen looks like:

The four dashboard icons now have these functions:
Display the work of the student you are currently seeing.
Return to non-dashboard mode
and Look at the next or previous student's work. Note that this will show the student's page corresponding to the page you were on when you entered dashboard mode. While looking at a student's work in dashboard mode, you can still use the next and previous page buttons to navigate within that student's pages. will go to the original